A Great, Delicious way to Keep your Skin Healthy this Summer!

Wed, Jun 2, 2010


With the warm weather people are going outside more often to play in the sun. The thing is that you have to watch how much sun you get as it can do damage to your skin. Luckily, if you eat the right kinds of foods, you can drop the amount of sun damage which in turn also keeps you looking younger, healthier and you get to enjoy the summer!

According to RealAge, a study done involving the consumption of tomato paste seemed to help with skin damage from the sun. One group consumed 2 ½ tablespoons of tomato paste along with 2 teaspoons of olive oil, while the control group just ate the oil every day for 10 weeks. The participants were then asked to sit under a sun lamp long enough to give then  slight sun burn on their shoulders at the beginning, middle and end of the study. The results showed 40% less sun damage to the participants that at the tomato paste!

The high content of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to reduce cancers in the body, in tomatoes is believed to be able to also help “soften some of the sun’s damaging effects on skin”.

You should of course still wear sunscreen, but at least you have another great source to utilize to keep you and your skin healthy this summer, plus it’s a whole lot less expensive than the face creams that you buy from the store!
Photo by  The Ewan

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Rochelle - who has written 324 posts on Made in Kitchen Blog.

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2 Responses to “A Great, Delicious way to Keep your Skin Healthy this Summer!”

  1. Reyes Fertik Says:

    Hi, is it true that you can use hemorrhoids cream for bags under the eye? Any ideas?

  2. Isaiah Vondracek Says:

    Come on dude, these facts* and proof* i mean who is posting* lol :P

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