Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

Wed, Mar 24, 2010


If you’ve been watching for any food news, you’ll have heard about the obesity problem in the US. We hear about the many processed foods and how it affects us health wise. This is especially concerning when it comes to children, who aren’t responsible for the food they eat especially when they aren’t taught anything about it. Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, is trying to help show what people are eating and how to change it for the better.

Food Revolution starts in Huntington, West Virginia, a place that according to the 2008 report by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention is the United States’ most unhealthy city. It’s also been considered the most obese area of the most obese country in the world, where over half the population over the age of 20 is obese.

“The time is right for people to rediscover the sense of pride, satisfaction and fun you can get from cooking for the people you love. There’s an incredible community in Huntington, and I want this experience to be a celebration of what we can achieve when people come together. I want to prove that turning around the epidemic of obesity and bad health doesn’t have to be boring or dull in the slightest. Wonderful stories will unfold in Huntington, and hopefully this will inspire the rest of the States,” says Jamie.

Jamie has been trying to change the way food is looked at in schools with Jamie’s School Dinners and again with his Ministry of Food Campaign. During School Dinners Mr. Oliver realized that it’s not just that kids didn’t eat good food at school but that they were eating the same way at home because parents didn’t know how to cook good food.

The show will be premiering on March 26th on ABC in the US and on CTV in Canada.
You can find more information on Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution here.

Do you think Jamie can make a difference in the US like he has in his home country? Can he change the way people perceive food? What do you think of the food children get on a daily basis either from school or from home? Do you think children should be taught more about the food they eat, and do you think this will, in the long run, affect their health?

Photo by TevinC

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Rochelle - who has written 324 posts on Made in Kitchen Blog.

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3 Responses to “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution”

  1. Bonnie Says:

    Yes to all of the questions you asked. And I really hope so.

  2. Brian Says:

    Glad you highlighted Jamie Oliver’s show. As Oliver has stated, its a sad fact that this generation of kids is likely to live shorter lives than their parents due to childhood obesity. CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta has also done some great reports on this subject.

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