On the outside it’s brown and hairy, but within is a bright green or gold flesh with a circle of little black seeds that’s sweet and tart! The kiwifruit, also called kiwi or Chinese gooseberry and being known as unusual fruit or wonder fruit in Hong Kong and Taiwan, is an is full of health benefits that makes you wonder why you don’t eat these delicious berries more often!
Originating in China, the kiwi fruit was unknown to most of the world, especially the western world until the early 1900’s, when a missionary introduced them to New Zealand. They weren’t exported until the 1950’s when finally made it England and then a few years later, to California. The kiwi fruit got it’s name from the New Zealand national bird, the kiwi.
Mentioned above is the fact that kiwi’s are full of health benefits. The fruit is full of more vitamin C than an orange, more potassium than a banana , more fiber than a serving of bran flakes, and is only 100 calories for a serving. Kiwi fruits have been shown to help improve the immune system, aid in reducing the amount of damage done to DNA by oxidative stress. It’s also full of antioxidants, vitamin E, and lutein all of which have a number of health benefits. They are also non-fat and sodium free!
When it comes to eating kiwi fruit, raw is always a great way to go. The entire fruit is edible, though the hair on the outside may be unpalatable to most. It’s great in smoothies, juices, sorbet, fruit salads, chutney and salsas.
Considered as a super food, with all it’s great benefits as well as that wonderful flavor, it’s a wonder why anyone wouldn’t love the lovely, healthy, and interesting kiwi fruit! Here’s a quote to remember the next time you use kiwi:
“Beauty is not always evident at first glance, take the kiwi fruit. From the outside, the kiwi is a brownish green colored fruit with rough hairs on the outside of the skin. However, once you cut it open you will find a brightly colored green fleshy pulp speckled with black seeds forming a symmetrical circular pattern around a pale yellow center. How Beautiful” – Shweeta Bhandari
17. May 2010 at 6:42 pm
wow….thanks for all the great information!! i will have to start getting kiwi’s to mix into our fruit salad at school!
18. May 2010 at 9:09 am
Glad to know the information was helpful! Kiwi fruit salad sounds delicious!
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