On of the more loved fruits around the world is the orange. It’s strong juicy citrus taste and fragrant clean smell captures our attention and brings fond memories. The healthy fruit is known for it’s amount of vitamin C it’s sweetness, but most of us don’t know much more beyond that about this popular fruit!
Oranges are believed to be a ancient hybrid between a pomelo and a mandarin. They originated in Southeast Asia thousands of years ago and were given the name, orange, from the Sanskrit word for orange tree. In many places the name for orange comes from Chinese apple.
In the 1400’s the Portuguese, Moors and Italian traders introduced the orange to Europe. This lead Christopher Columbus to bring seeds to the Caribbean Islands during his second visit to the Americas. The Spanish explorers then brought them to Florida in the 16th century and the 18th century to California.
There are many reasons to eat oranges other than just taste, the health benefits being it. Oranges are rich in calcium for bone health, beta-carotene, folic acid for brain development, and potassium. They also are high in vitamins B6, C, and A. Fiber is another thing that oranges have plenty of. The orange peel is also though to help lower bad cholesterol as well!
As for what to use oranges in for cooking, raw or juice are some great choices. If you’re looking for something a bit more adventurous, scones, and marshmallows can use orange zest or orange water to give it flavor. There is orange blossom honey, marmalade, and reductions for sauces or glazes. Sliced oranges are great on salads or in cooling drinks. The zest is also a favorite for giving a lot of flavor and fragrance for very little.
Oranges are healthy, flavorful and one of the worlds favorite fruits. When next you get an orange think of this quote:
“Try not thinking of peeling an orange. Try not imagining the juice running down your fingers, the soft inner part of the peel. The smell. Try and you can’t. The brain doesn’t process negatives.” – Doug Coupland
Photo by quinn.anya
Mon, May 31, 2010