“Sin Tax” Proposal on Junk Food

Sat, Feb 27, 2010


We’ve all heard about how we need to eat healthier. We’ve also heard that the government is getting involved by reducing the amount of junk foods in schools and not allowing commercials to air so many unhealthy food related  advertisements. Now there is a “sin tax” being proposed to help promote healthier eating.

The University of Buffalo decided to test how well this may work in the real world by conducting two types of tests, one to discount the price of healthy foods and one where unhealthy foods were taxed. A group of mothers were the test group that was used during the study, where they were given a type of lab currency to purchase foods. The first shopping trip was done with prices based on a real grocery store, the next ones were done with the healthy food costing less and two that were done with unhealthy food having a 12.5% tax and then  a 25% tax placed upon the items.

The study showed that people were more likely to buy healthy foods when the junk foods were more expensive, rather than with a price cut on healthy food. Oddly enough, healthy foods that were given a price cut caused the mothers to buy  more “treats” or junk food with the money they saved on the healthy ones.

What would you choose to do if the “sin tax” goes through? What about a price cut on healthy foods? Would you buy the healthier option and just prepare it the way you enjoy, even if it’s not a very healthy version?

Photo by amy b.

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Rochelle - who has written 324 posts on Made in Kitchen Blog.

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