Today is the beginning of the 2010 Winter Olympics! Vancouver is not only ready to host the event, celebrate their country’s Olympic athletes, but also wanting to proudly share a taste of what Vancouver has to offer in a culinary sense.
Vancouver is known as a being ethnically diverse and having a huge food following. You can find just about any kind of food here, from Thai to German, Japanese or Greek, whatever you’re looking for food wise, you’ll probably find it in this city.
Canada is also where two award-winning chefs who have participated in a different sort of Olympics, The Culinary Olympics, are from. Professors at Ontario’s Humber College’s Culinary Arts & Science program, Chefs James Bodanis and Rudi Fischbacher, have participated in the Culinary Olympics. They helped win gold and two silver medals back in 2008.
Weather you want to cheer on the Winter Olympics or the next Culinary Olympics, please enjoy it with some great cuisine!
Source The Daily Observer.
Photo by clever cupcakes.
Fri, Feb 12, 2010