Who would have thought that there could be too many Farmer’s Markets? In the San Francisco Bay area that seems to be the case as there are more and more of these markets full of locally grown foods popping up around the area. It’s not because there are more farmers selling their produce, but because there are more places to buy their food.
Most would think this is a great thing, especially for those of us who enjoy going to Farmer’s Markets to buy food that we know is locally grown, and is more likely to be organic and healthy. We don’t have to go for long drives just to get to a good market to buy our produce that we don’t either grow ourselves or want to buy in a grocery store.
This is good for us but bad for the farmers that we rely on for our superior fruits and vegetables as they aren’t turning a big enough profit to pay for their expenses. How can we, as good customers, help our local farmers be able to continue supplying us with fresh, good quality, local food with a good variety of different things?
It seems that this is another case of quality over quantity. Maybe we should be more willing to go a bit farther for good food, or treat it as not a chore but as a pleasurable experience where we get to choose good food for ourselves and our family.
Photo by yummyporky.
Sat, Mar 6, 2010