Summer usually has a over abundance of fresh vegetables. One that we see often is the zucchini, or courgette. These summer squash are healthy and can be used in many different foods from breads to salads. Because this veggie is technically a fruit it goes as well as a savory dish as it does in a sweet one. They are so plentiful during this time of year that one should take the time to learn more about this fantastic food!
Like other summer squashes, zucchini has it’s origins based in the Americas. Archaeologist have traced them back to 7,000 BC in Mexico where they were part of the main diet along with beans, corn and other squash. However the variety that we know today as zucchini comes from Italy, believing to have made it back to the Americas in the late 19th century.
When looking to zucchini for it’s health benefits, you’ll find a few that should make you want to make the zucchini a part of your regular diet! These squash are low in calories, high in folate, potassium, vitamins A and C, as well as beta carotene. The darker the squash the better it is for you too, so make sure to wash your zucchini but don’t peel it, as that will take away most of the good stuff!
If you grow your own, try to keep the size shorter than 8 inches (20cm) in length for the most flavorful squash. They can grow up to the length of a baseball bat, but loose much of the flavor at this size.
Zucchini is great served raw, but most of the time it’s cooked in a variety of ways such as boiling, steaming, grilled, stuffed and baked, fried, and incorporated into other dishes such as bread. The flowers are also edible and are usually fried in a tempura batter or put in fritters. In Mexico they are a main ingredient for soups and in quesadillas.
The summer squash is not only good to eat, but good for you and can be made into so many yummy things. Next time you have some zucchini think of this quote:
“Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.”
Jim Davis, ‘Garfield’
Photo by licybergal
15. June 2010 at 12:15 am
We have a bunch growing in the garden. Can hardly wait for it to start coming in!
10. January 2011 at 11:00 pm
Zucchini is an excellent selection. High in potassium and vitamin A. My brother grew them in Michigan. Had a great garden there. Something about the soil.