Kitchen Technique: Choosing your Grill

Tue, May 25, 2010

Products, Techniques, Utensils

It’s that time of year, where we pull off the charcoal grill covers, go to the store and buy propane tanks and  get all kinds of food that is great to throw on the barbecue. A lot of us don’t know how to use our grills properly though. In the first of our grilling techniques, we’re going to help you choose the grill that‘s right for your out-door kitchen!

When choosing which grill is best for you, think about the size of the area of where it will be, price, and how many people and how often you‘ll be grilling. Also think about taste.  There are 3 types of grills that you’ll be looking at, charcoal, gas, and portable.

Some people swear by charcoal for the wood fire, smoky taste that gas just doesn’t give. If you use charcoal, you need to build your own fire and it requires more attention and more time than a gas grill. Charcoal grills also, usually take up less room than a gas grill.

When getting the coals ready, don’t spread them out all over the bottom of the grill. Instead, stack them in a pyramid shape towards the middle and use lighter fluid evenly on the coals to help with getting the first started. Make sure there is a cool spot on either end so you have a place to move the food if the coals get too hot or the flames start to get a to be a bit much. This will help to keep the amount of flare-ups down.

Gas grills don’t require charcoal or lighter fluid to start the fire. You also don’t have to wait for the coals to heat up and get going. There is also the whole amount heat thing. You get a dial, like the one on your stove to regulate how hot you want the grill to be, and if you have more than one burner/side that heats up you can keep one side cool while the other is hot.

With all the upsides to a gas grill, remember the taste isn’t the same as with charcoal and it’s usually much more expensive to buy a gas grill and you will need to refill your propane tank. But the more pricy gas grills will usually have side burners and some may even have built in utility shelves for holding plates or tongs.

For a portable grill, think being in the city or where you don’t have a porch or backyard. These come in Hibachis and Electric grills. A Hibachi also is great for tailgating or to take with you easily to a beach or camping. They are essentialy mini-charcoal grills. Electric grills are the grills you see George Foreman advertising. They are small and are like plug-in burners making them great for those that don’t have much space!

What ever grill you choose to use, make sure to be safe and check out some of these safety tips over at Texas!

Photo by  Another Pint Please…

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Rochelle - who has written 324 posts on Made in Kitchen Blog.

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