Have you ever wondered why you suddenly crave that chocolate cake or that hamburger? We try to keep healthy but when those cravings slap us in the face, it’s overwhelming and usually is the cause of our downfall when it comes to our health.
Continue reading...Friday, April 30, 2010
This week’s interview is with the wonderful Penny of Jeroxie: Addictive and Consuming. Penny has become a prominent food blogger in Melbourne, Australia with her restaurant reviews, at home recipes, and now with her monthly International Food Incident Parties which involve other food bloggers from around the world. She was even part of the panel for the Australian Food and Drink Blogger’s Convention!
Continue reading...Saturday, April 17, 2010
Salty, sweet, sour, and bitter are the 4 basic tastes. Recently we heard about umami (protein based flavor such as meat, cheese, broth). The taste that’s even more recent, and was found by researchers at Deakin University and University of Adelaide, is fat.
Continue reading...Monday, April 12, 2010
There are many foods that are in season right now during Spring, but one that you can only find during Spring that is a delicacy and is only around for a short time (approximately 2 weeks) starting in early April in the south up until July in colder climates like Canada are fiddleheads!
Continue reading...Thursday, March 4, 2010
Imagine a restaurant that moves its location weekly and is also unlicensed and illegal. Now imagine that not only does it get plenty of business but it has a waiting list of 4000 and is booked for the whole next year! Zingara Cucina, is the name of such a restaurant in Melbourne.
Continue reading...Tuesday, February 23, 2010
What is the right way to cook? We tend to ask ourselves this question if we are new to cooking or haven’t started yet but are interested. Over at the Brisbane Times, they are asking just that same question, but not of those who are amateurs, but of those who are experts and cook for a living.
Continue reading...Thursday, February 18, 2010
There has been quite a bit of controversy in the Australia food community as of late. What city is the culinary capital of Australia? When you take a look at the article done over at news.com.au there are quite a few reasons why they are listed as the capital of Australia when it comes to food.
Continue reading...Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Good news to all of those Down Under who are in the Melbourne area! This year at the Melbourne Food & Wine Festival, you’ll be able to see Jamie Oliver, one of the most well known celebrity chefs world wide! Jamie will be there to support his charity, Fifteen Foundation, that was founded there in 2006.
Continue reading...Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Today is not only Mardi Gras but Pancake Tuesday or Pancake Day. This is celebrated in places such as Britain, Ireland, Canada and Australia. In order to celebrate this day here is a quick and easy recipe for the thin crepe like pancakes and a simple lemon and sugar topping!
Continue reading...Monday, February 15, 2010
Usually the Monday post features one key ingredient such as garlic or chocolate, but this week with Mardi Gras (Carnival) we will be discussing two dishes that have to do with Fat Tuesday in particular.
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010